SOL 17: Our Springer Spaniel


During February, I participated in Laura Shovan’s Found Poetry Project challenge, “10 Words Found in the News.” I didn’t manage to write a poem every day, but I have drafts floating around that I may get to this month. The words that inspired this poem, smile, knitting, spaniel, power, underpants, staring, rage, drawn, magnets, and always, came from Vanessa Davis’s graphic novel, Spaniel Rage.

Our springer spaniel
used to curl up next to me on the sofa,
drawn like a magnet to my side.
I always worried her dog hair,
weaving its way into the sweaters
and blankets I was knitting, would
cause someone’s allergies
to flare and rage.

I smile now when I think of her,
staring out the window,
dreaming of chasing squirrels,
pulling underpants out of the laundry,
always making mischief.
But she always had the power
to make us laugh.
She always had the power
to melt our hearts.

© Catherine Flynn, 2017

Cleo, 1994-2003
Cleo, 1994-2003

Thank you to StaceyBetsyBeth, KathleenDeb, MelanieLisa and Lanny for creating this community and providing this space for teachers and others to share their stories every day in March and on Tuesdays throughout the year. Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers to read more Slice of Life posts.

8 thoughts on “SOL 17: Our Springer Spaniel

  1. Thank you for sharing your poem. It is clear that Cleo had a special spot in your heart. Our pets bring us so much joy (I have a cat on my lap as I write this).
    I’m now adding to my to do list: participate in a found poetry challenge. Thanks for inspiring me!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amazing how they really do melt our hearts. My black lab is a total pain- she doesn’t do underwear (that was my last guy, Jack) but she’s an unashamed bed hogger and counter snatcher. Congratulations to you for participating in the poetry group- I had intended to, and even signed up, but somehow I never pulled it off. Maybe in April…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this sweet memory of your dog. I worry, too about the cat and dog hair getting into my crocheting. My friend who also crochets always speaks a disclaimer. “The shawl may have dog hair crocheted into it.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah, so many wonderful memories of pets who’ve touched our hearts! I’ve been going through old photos lately and especially enjoying pictures of my many kitties over the years! Loved this poem, Honey!

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