Slice of Life: A Sunday Morning Photo Essay


Sunday mornings at my house have a very different pace from the rest of the week. Here is a peek into my morning. (I tried to put some of these pictures side-by-side, but was having too many formatting issues!)


On my way to walk with my friend Colette, of Used Books in Class fame. We walk together every weekend as long as it’s not below 20 degrees, raining, or snowing.

Colette’s dog, Chaucer, always joins us. He’s ready to go!
This knot hole intrigued me. I get all sorts of ideas when I walk.
This knot hole intrigued me. I get all sorts of ideas when I walk.
Our walk takes us through the fairgrounds of the annual Fireman's fair.
Our walk takes us through the fairgrounds of the annual Fireman’s fair.
Spring is here!
Soon this pond will be full of tadpoles.
Soon this pond will be full of tadpoles.
This tree was full of singing chickadees who didn't want their picture taken.
This tree was full of singing chickadees who didn’t want their picture taken.
Another sign of spring.
Back home and ready to work on the crossword puzzle.
Back home, ready to work on the crossword puzzle.
Off to breakfast.
Off to breakfast.
Breakfast's over. Time to write my slice, work on my WIP, and read.
Breakfast’s was delicious! Now it’s time to write my slice, work on my WIP, and read. Happy Sunday, everyone!

















Thank you to StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnnaBeth, Kathleen, and Deb for this space for teachers and others to share their stories each Tuesday throughout the year and every day during the month of March. Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers to read more Slice of Life posts.



15 thoughts on “Slice of Life: A Sunday Morning Photo Essay

  1. I love the photo gallery, Catherine. I think you should write some poems for spring (I will have a gallery for the season but have to finish Winter Whisperings). Have fun writing about these prompts when you have a chance. I think I will use the one on the fairground for perspective with credit to you for a picture prompt for my next presentation.


  2. It looks like you had a wonderful morning today. I love that you walk with your friend. My sister and I used to walk every day. We stopped when my knees started going bad. I miss those walks. Now we ride our bikes and I always say that I should bring my camera but I never do. There are so many beautiful pictures out there. I think I will just do it this spring. After I get my cast off and my foot has healed and I can ride again, I am busting my camera out! 🙂 Thank you for the motivation!


  3. Love the photo essay! It’s always fun to get a glimpse into another’s world and routine. That tree with the hole, looks like a mouth that’s screaming. Slowly but surely, signs of spring pop out.


  4. Enjoyed your photo essay. I loved your table cloth with its yellow pattern and the sunlight falling across its corner, so appropriate with your other signs of spring.


  5. What great pictures. I enjoyed your photo essay and thank you for letting tag along on your journey today. Spring is around the corner!


  6. i love your photo story that took me to your place. I had a busy Sunday that didn’t leave much time for meandering, but I did take photos for tomorrow’s post. I love that every year when I do the SOLC spring is coming. Such a great time to be thoughtful and alive.


  7. This was just beautiful. I think if I had this kind of scenery nearby, I’d walk everyday, too. I’m jealous. Thanks for sharing both the words and images.


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