Slice of Life: Poetry is Everywhere!

11454297503_e27946e4ff_h When the weather cooperates, my weekend routine includes a walk with my dear friend, Colette, of Used Books in Class. After a winter of snow, cold, and wind, we were happy to walk every day over the Easter weekend.

Our walk takes us through the fairgrounds behind the firehouse, and as we rounded a corner on Saturday morning, this unusual sight caught my eye:


Maxine Greene urged people to see the world with “wide-awake eyes.” Naomi Shihab Nye wrote that  “poems hide. In the bottoms of our shoes…” I always share these wise words with my students and try to follow this advice myself. So of course I had to take a picture and write a poem.

A bumper crop of used commodes
Sit in the morning sun.
And although the fair is months away,
They’re ready for some fun.

Outside the information booth,
They form a jagged line,
Looking for the exhibition tent,
Ready for a turn to shine.

Alas, no ribbons will they win;
A sad, cruel fate awaits.
Their usefulness is now long passed.
They are ushered through the gate.

Last stop: the dump.

© Catherine Flynn, 2015


Thank you to StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnna, and Beth for this space for teachers and others to share their stories each Tuesday. Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers to read more Slice of Life posts.

14 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Poetry is Everywhere!

  1. Love the commodes ready for fun but tragically led through the gate, and of course the quote from Maxine Greene. I remember her lectures being one quotable insight after another.


  2. So clever, Catherine!
    I love “A bumper crop of used commodes
    Sit in the morning sun.”

    That’s so NOT the bumper crops that we think of in Iowa (beans or corn)!

    Love it!


  3. Catherine, this little gem of a poem was hiding just waiting for you to resurrect it this morning after your careful noticing. I love it because it is fresh and formed from a ken eye. I would have never thought that a graveyard of commodes would make such an interesting topic. Bravo!


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