Slice of Life: What I Didn’t Write About Today


What I didn’t write about today:

Driving to work this morning…
Thinking about a poem for Heidi’s MarCH challenge. Today’s word was clutch.

of eggs,
fancy purse,
exciting baseball,
get a grip!

Won’t let go
changing gears…

I need a dictionary.

Or a thesaurus.

Oh wait. I shared this book with a group of fifth graders toady. The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus, by Jen Bryant and illustrated by Melissa Sweet.

Right-Word-by-Jen-Bryant-on-BooKDragon   59-reasons-to-write

Later, at home…

On the treadmill.
Reading a chapter from Kate Messner’s 59 Reasons to Write: “Point of View, Voice, and Mood”
“What would this object say?”
I look around.
What a weird conglomeration of stuff there is in this basement!

My eyes settle on my son’s collection of antique hand held planers.
Think of all the wood they’ve caressed,
boards they’ve smoothed and
readied to become a table or a bookcase.

Later still…

At my desk
What to write about?

I have no idea!

Thank you to StaceyTaraDanaBetsyAnna, and Beth for this space for teachers and others to share their stories each day during the month of March and on Tuesdays throughout the year. Be sure to visit Two Writing Teachers to read more Slice of Life posts.

5 thoughts on “Slice of Life: What I Didn’t Write About Today

  1. A day filled with rich thinking! Love The Right Word. I keep hearing about 59 Reasons to Write, may be time to purchase it. Someone who can brainstorm like you doesn’t need a thesaurus.


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