Slice of Life: Baseball Memories


One of my earliest memories is of being at a local ball field, watching my father play baseball in the town league.  After the game, we drove to Carvel’s for ice cream. Although I couldn’t have been more than four, I remember sitting on a picnic bench trying to eat the soft vanilla ice cream before it melted.

My father loved baseball, and he passed that love on to me. When the play offs roll around in October, they always brings memories of him.

By Boston Public Library (Flickr: Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. N. Y.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
By Boston Public Library (Flickr: Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. N. Y.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
He grew up listening to the Brooklyn Dodgers on the radio. Stung by the Dodgers’ 1958 move from Brooklyn to Los Angeles, he rooted for the Mets for most of the 1960s. On the day the Mets won the World Series in 1969, we had a double celebration because it was also my birthday. (I double checked this memory and discovered they beat the Baltimore Orioles–the team my husband-to-be was surely rooting for from his home in Bel Air, Maryland that day.)

By 1975, his allegiance had switched to the Boston Red Sox, where it stayed for the rest of his life. The World Series that year was a big deal at my house. We watched almost every minute of that series together. Except for this:

To this day, I hate to go to bed before a game is over.

Baseball isn’t as big a deal in my house today as it was when I was growing up. While my husband loved the game as a kid, he doesn’t pay too much attention anymore, and neither of my boys are really fans. I only watch an occasional game during the regular season. But come October, I’ll be in front of the television, marveling at the grace of a well-turned double play or holding my breath as a ball soars into the outfield. And you can be sure I’ll be watching tomorrow night, cheering for Boston, thinking of my father.

Thank you to Stacey and all her new co-bloggers at Two Writing Teachers for hosting Slice of Life Tuesdays.

9 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Baseball Memories

  1. From one Red Sox fan to another…hooray for October! I am exhausted from staying up late to watch the game in the evening and worrying about it all day – but it’s worth it! “See” you at Fenway, Cathrine!


  2. Catherine,
    I enjoy seeing baseball games and sometimes watch snippets of the games, especially when October rolls around…there’s something sweet about each team’s story to get to this destination! I’m sad the Indians just couldn’t make it happen-but there’s always next year (we’ve been saying that since our last World Series win was in 1948 against the “Boston” Braves!).


  3. Hooray for Boston! My dad passed six years ago and he was a huge Yankees fan. (I know, terrible for me a Red Sox fan.) I remember Saturday afternoons with him watching baseball. He loved it. This time of year always makes me think of him. Thanks for the opportunity to remember! Go SOX!!!


  4. We, too, were fans growing up. I collected baseball cards and went to spring training in Florida. I don’t follow now, but I do watch golf as it reminds me of Sundays with my dad. The hushed voices of the commentators calm me and bring me back to comforting days.


  5. I loved your writing about your father, Catherine & the memories so sweet. Before we moved to the city when I was 12, I lived in a very little town, so we really had no team, so we became Yankees fans. How we yelled and cheered for them when we got to listen (first) then later (watch). Special memories that you just captured. I too watch every October, sometimes choosing a team, sometimes just watching! This time, go Red Sox!


  6. I’m not sure if you are still interested in Brooklyn baseball, but my uncle wrote a book about the Dodgers. It’s called Superstars and Screwballs: 100 Years of Brooklyn Baseball. Just thought it was worth mentioning in case you want to read more about them.


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